Category Archives: Drink N You

What to Drink and Eat for More Energy Naturally

When the body gets tired and a person feels like they have no energy, they often look for food and drinks that will give them quick energy. Often, these snacks and drinks will give a sugar high, but it has negative effects on the body over a long period of time. There are healthy options for natural energy boosters instead.

Natural versus artificial sugar.

When looking at natural energy boosters in food and drink, it is important to look at what they are made from. One of the key ingredients in most energy boosters is sugar. There are a few types of sugars, but notably, there are natural sugars and artificial sugars (there are variations of each). The body will break the various sugars down differently. Natural sugar is digested slowly, making the body feel fuller longer, and it can help keep the body’s metabolism stable. Natural sugars are essential in the body and can be found in foods like fruit and dairy products.

Artificial sugar differs because it is broken down fast and can cause insulin and blood sugars to skyrocket and then crash, causing health concerns. Because the sugar is digested quickly, the body does not feel full for a long period of time. Artificial sugar is often refined from sugar cane and sugar beets, and it can be found in corn syrup, prepackaged food, and sweets. When looking for a natural energy boost, artificial sugar can give a very rapid energy boost, but there is a long-term negative effect compared to the use of natural sugars in food or drinks, where the energy takes a little longer to achieve but has a positive longer-lasting effect.

Natural Fiber

Fiber is not commonly thought of when looking at natural food and drink energy boosters; however, fiber plays an important role in releasing energy into the body. There are lots of natural sources of fiber, and they can taste good. This can include berries like Goji Berries, which are packed with antioxidants (used to prevent cell damage), vitamins, and fiber. Berries can be eaten raw or added to other foods, such as yogurt and smoothies. Seeds also can be high in fiber. A seed, such as Quinoa, is high in protein, natural carbs, and fiber. Fiber is used by the body to regulate the blood sugar and ensure that there is a longer-lasting natural energy. Food and drink that is used as a natural energy booster should contain natural fiber.

Vitamin B12

As the body ages, it does not retain vitamins as well as a younger body. One of the vitamins that the body does not retain as well is B12. This vitamin helps maintain healthy blood and cells, which then release natural energy. It also prevents megaloblastic anemia, which makes people tired and sick. By ensuring that food and drinks that are being used as natural energy boosters have vitamin B12 as an ingredient, you ensure that your body is able to give long-term health benefits and natural long-lasting energy.


When looking for a quick pick-me-up or a boost of energy, people often look to sources of caffeine as a method of getting quick energy. Caffeine can give this boost, but where the caffeine is coming from and how it enters the body should be monitored. When looking at using caffeine in a food or drink as an energy boost, it should be a natural source of caffeine, such as cocoa beans, Coffee beans, or berries. There are artificial or enhanced caffeines, such as the caffeine added to many sugar drinks and candies. Caffeine can also be found in pills that are purchased in grocery stores or pharmacies. When ingesting enhanced caffeine or too much caffeine, it can have a negative effect on the body and can cause side effects, such as anxiety, hyperactivity, or sleep disturbances. When used naturally in food or drinks as a natural energy booster, and in proper moderation, it can help give energy and can assist in burning body fat, giving a long-lasting amount of energy.

GMO ns Non-GMO foods

Natural energy boosters should be non-Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO). A GMO is a living organism that has been manipulated in a laboratory. They can be modified or cross bred with another organism. This manipulation can allow an organism to develop or enhance traits, such as flavors in food, or to prevent fruit from turning brown naturally. This process can also be engineered to prevent being affected by herbicides or other gardening chemicals. Non-GMO foods and drinks that are used to boost energy use only natural ingredients that have not been manipulated. This means that the food or drink that enters the body is pure and provides a purely natural energy boost.

When looking for food or drinks as a natural energy booster, it is important to ensure the ingredients in them will have a positive effect on a person’s body and health.

Natural Energy Drinks – Can You Gain Energy but Stay Healthy with Natural Energy Drinks?

Natural energy drinks

Everyone needs an energy boost from time to time. For some of us, we need it more often than not. While energy drinks are great for helping kickstart the day, many of the drinks on the market can be harmful when had in excess. Whereas most commercial energy drinks come loaded with artificial sweeteners and refined sugar, natural energy drinks provide a healthy burst of energy without the harmful additives. Natural energy drinks harness the power of the natural world to provide your body with essential vitamins and nutrients that give your body the fuel it needs to perform.

The Commercial Energy Drink Industry

Commercial energy drinks advertise themselves as a simple way for you to boost your energy, but at what cost? Many of these products are loaded with artificial sweeteners and high doses of caffeine. A lot of energy drink users are not even aware of just how much sugar is in their go-to drink from the store. Some commercial drinks boast over 30 grams of sugar per serving! Some energy drink companies have even gone as far as to include synthetic caffeine inside their drinks to up the caffeine concentration. Natural energy drinks are often caffeinated as well, but they possess much lower levels of concentrated caffeine and pull from natural sources. Having commercial energy drinks as a regular part of your diet is not only unhealthy, but it can also be dangerous. The combination of sugar and high levels of caffeine can take a serious toll on both your physical and mental health.

The Role of Caffeine

Everyone knows caffeine provides that much-sought-after energy boost, but what exactly is it about caffeine that gets our bodies and minds moving? When you drink an energy drink with caffeine, your central nervous system becomes stimulated. The most common side effect is a sense of alertness, helping drowsy early morning risers wake up more quickly and feel less tired; however, too much caffeine can take a toll on your body. In high doses, caffeine can cause nervousness, irritability, insomnia, increased heart rate, and anxiety. While drinking caffeine in moderation is not a cause for concern, excess consumption can have serious health effects. Commercial energy drinks are notorious for having high caffeine concentrations, and when users drink multiple drinks in one day, they are endangering their own health. Natural energy drinks provide a much safer alternative.

Energy from Natural Ingredients

Many commercial energy drinks consist of almost as much, if not more, sugar than your average soft drink. The energy you feel from drinking these beverages comes from the sugar and high dose of caffeine – a hard combination on your body. With natural energy drinks, your body is supplemented with energy from natural ingredients, such as adaptogens. Adaptogens are non-toxic herbal plants and roots commonly found in the Amazon rainforest. These plants are full of essential vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids. Some common adaptogens found in many natural energy drinks include passion fruit, guarana, and ginseng.

Benefits of Natural Energy Drinks

Natural energy drinks provide you with a boost of healthy and sustainable energy. Whereas commercial energy drinks will rely on additives, natural energy drinks utilize naturally occurring ingredients in plants. These drinks can provide you with not only energy, but also the vitamins and amino acids your body needs to create healthy forms of energy that will last longer. Natural energy drinks can be packed full of natural goodness that promotes overall body wellness. The natural ingredients found in these types of drinks can also improve your sleep and provide a much needed sense of clarity and calmness.

Incorporating Natural Energy Drinks into a Diet

Natural energy drinks have a lot to offer, but it is important to remember these are not meal replacements. A good natural energy drink can complement a healthy lifestyle and provide much needed energy in a healthy manner. When choosing a natural energy drink, it is a good idea to give the ingredients list a good read and always be on the lookout for additives. Some energy drinks will market themselves as all natural, but in fact they come loaded with sweeteners. Once you find the right energy drink for your lifestyle, you will be amazed at how much energy an all-natural energy drink can give you!

Yerba Mate – The Drink of the Gods

mate drink

An herbal drink that provides natural energy, essential vitamins, and a great taste without the added sugar? It almost sounds too good to be true, but yerba mate drinks fit the bill. Yerba mate has grown in popularity amongst the international community. Some long-time coffee lovers have made the switch to yerba mate drinks as their go-to source for a morning boost, and even athletes praise the herbal superpower for its energizing qualities. Just what is it about this South American plant that sets it apart from the rest and makes mate drink so powerful?

Yerba Mate’s Origins

Before we get into yerba mate drinks you can get at the store, let’s first take a look at the roots of the herbal juggernaut. Yerba mate is a common type of holly found in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. In its native countries, yerba mate is commonly drunk from a guampa – a cup-like object made from wood, a gourd, or a hollowed-out bull horn – with a filtered metal straw known as a bombilla. More often than not, yerba mate is drunk in a communal setting and shared between people, such as at family gatherings or after a meal. Yerba mate drinks are perfect for warming up in the morning when served with hot water, and in the summer months, the tea can be served with iced water for a hit of refreshment on a toasty day. Yerba mate is quite versatile and lends itself to a number of different drinking styles and preferences.

Yerba Mate Drinks

While yerba mate drink’s origins may be a hollowed-out gourd, yerba mate today is commonly found in health stores around the world, and it is added to natural energy drinks for easy consumption. Yerba mate drinks are regularly promoted as natural energy boosters and a great source of antioxidants.

The Best Natural Energy Booster

Compared to commercial energy drinks that come loaded with sugar and artificial sweeteners, yerba mate drinks give you the energy boost you need without the harmful ingredients. Yerba mate has naturally occurring caffeine that is the source of the energy boost – no sugar needed. At 85 mg of caffeine per cup, yerba mate trails behind coffee in terms of caffeine concentration, but it outscores most teas on the caffeine front.

The Go-To Source for Antioxidants

Yerba mate contains several beneficial plant nutrients and antioxidants that make an ideal addition to any healthy lifestyle. Small compounds known as caffeoyl derivatives are one of yerba mate’s main antioxidant makeups, but yerba mate drinks are also host to both saponins and polyphenols. Saponins possess anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties, and polyphenols have been linked to reducing the risk of various diseases.

Full of Essential Amino Acids

If the antioxidants weren’t enough, yerba mate drinks are chalked full of essential amino acids. This herbal tea contains seven out of nine essential amino acids; however, it is important to remember these nutrients are found in trace amounts. Yerba mate drinks make for a great addition to a healthy diet; they cannot serve as a standalone provider of nutrients for a healthy body.

Potential to Assist with Weight Loss

It won’t necessarily shed body fat for you, but yerba mate drinks can be an ideal addition to your diet for anyone looking to lose weight. Yerba mate teas are known to reduce appetite and boost metabolism. The herbal tea further works to decrease fat cells and reduce the amount of fat they hold. Keep in mind that yerba mate should always be paired with a healthy diet. Yerba mate drinks should not be used as a meal replacement, but rather as an aid to work alongside your diet and exercise plan.

Yerba Mate and You

It should come as no surprise that yerba mate drinks have grown in popularity. This herbal juggernaut has been used for decades by Indigenous groups throughout South America, and for good reason. Yerba mate is jam packed full of important nutrients that can provide important sustenance for your body. Yerba mate drinks can be a great addition to any lifestyle, especially for people looking for a healthy, natural source of energy to help get them through the day.

Natural Energy Boosters: What to Drink and Eat for More Energy Naturally

The human body requires a variety of natural foods to run at peak performance. When high quantities of processed and ultra-processed foods are consumed, the body slows down, and people begin to feel sluggish and tired. While most whole foods are natural energy boosters, some contain even higher amounts of energy-boosting nutrients.


Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant found in a variety of plants, including coffee, tea, and cacao plants. It is the most popular natural energy booster, with most people consuming caffeine in some way each day. A synthetic form of caffeine is an additive in highly refined products, like soft-drinks and energy drinks.

Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system. This causes the brain to feel more alert and awake. Too much caffeine intake can cause overstimulation, a jittery feeling, and possibly insomnia. When used in moderation, plant sources of caffeine can be effective natural energy boosters.

Coffee, black tea, and green tea are the most common sources of caffeine. Coffee has the highest concentration of caffeine with an average of 96 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounces. Black tea contains 47 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounces while green tea contains just 28 milligrams per 8 ounces. Some experts believe that green tea is the best natural energy booster because its lower caffeine content produces a more sustained and gentler boost of energy.

Complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the powerhouse of natural energy boosters. There are two main types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.

Simple carbohydrates are very quickly converted into glucose through digestion. This creates a short burst of energy followed by a steep decline in energy. Often people feel lethargic or sleepy after a simple carbohydrate-filled meal due to this effect. Though some simple carbohydrates, like white rice and fruit juice, are natural energy boosters, their energy is short-lived. Most simple carbohydrates are highly processed and include high quantities of refined sugars.

Complex carbohydrates, or polysaccharides, have larger molecules than simple carbohydrates. This causes the starches to be digested and converted to energy more slowly. The slower conversion provides the body with a longer lasting natural energy boost. Consuming complex carbohydrates does not cause the sharp incline followed by the sharp decline in energy that simple carbohydrates cause. This makes complex-carbohydrate foods excellent natural energy boosters.

Complex carbohydrates are found in natural energy boosters, like whole grains, beans, whole fruit, and starchy vegetables. Choose unprocessed or low-processed foods for a healthy, natural energy boost.

Iron-Rich Foods

Iron is an important part of a balanced diet. Iron aids in the production of the red blood cells that carry oxygen to all parts of the body. When iron-deficient, or anemic, the body has a lack of red blood cells, which causes fatigue and weakness. Many natural energy booster foods are high in iron.

There are two forms of iron in foods: heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron is in a form that is most easily absorbed by the body. Sources of heme iron include meat, fish, poultry, shellfish and eggs. These iron sources do not require vitamin C to be absorbed. Lean proteins are a great source of iron and serve well as natural energy boosters.

Non-heme iron is less easily absorbed by the body. In order to increase the amount of iron available for absorption in non-heme iron foods, they must be consumed alongside heme iron foods or foods rich in vitamin C. Natural energy boosters like spinach, swiss chard, kale, beans, peas, raisins, tofu, and pumpkin seeds require vitamin C to become more easily absorbed by the body. Pair these foods with citrus, tomatoes, potatoes, or berries to help increase iron absorption.

Less Common Natural Energy Boosters

There are many natural energy boosters found in plants that are less commonly discussed.

Capuacu is a fruit found in the rainforest that is used for a variety of health benefits, including as a natural energy booster. It is related to the cacao plant, and the energy boost gained from consuming capaucu is similar to that of caffeine.

Another less known natural energy booster is found in the bark of the Marapuama tree, which grows in South America. Marapuama bark extract is used to treat a variety of ailments, including fatigue.

The common beet is an unexpected natural energy booster. Beets contain high levels of natural nitrates that aid in increased stamina and better oxygen use during exercise. As complex carbohydrates, they also supply the body with a slow-release source of energy. Beets are also a good source of iron as well as vitamin C, both of which are important for non-heme iron absorption.

Adaptogens – What are They and What Do They Do?

Native to the Amazon, adaptogens are non-toxic plants with incredible health benefits that have gained popularity worldwide. These Amazonian herbs and roots are herbal powerhouses with a long history of use in both Chinese and Ayurvedic healing traditions. Adaptogens can play a key role in building up immunity, replenishing tired cells, creating a sense of calmness in one’s body, and providing a healthy energy boost. With an assortment of health benefits, it is no wonder Amazon adaptogens are revered as magical sources of life by Indigenous cultures of the Brazilian Amazon. Small but powerful, Amazon adaptogens have a lot to offer.

Loaded with Nutrients

Amazon adaptogens are renowned for the incredible concentration of nutrients found in each plant. Everyone knows oranges are good sources of vitamin C, but not everyone knows that the adaptogen camu camu boasts 30 to 50 times more vitamin C than the beloved orange. This small berry packs a nutritional punch with high levels of amino acids, beta carotene, calcium, potassium, vitamin B, flavonoids, and phytonutrient content.

The high nutrient count is common amongst Amazon adaptogens, and like the camu camu berry, soursop is another example of the incredible nutrient concentration found in adaptogens. The tropical fruit is known for its sweetness and ability to treat a number of physical ailments. It is rich in fibers and contains abundant vitamin C and several B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, along with calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Sources of Natural Energy

The energy drink market is a massive industry that is often under critical speculation regarding health risks and side effects. Most commercial energy drinks are packed full of additives and refined sugar, and while providing a short burst of energy, most typically result in the dreaded energy crash. Unlike processed energy drinks, Amazon adaptogens are able to give the body a natural energy boost without the afternoon lull. One of the most popular adaptogens used for its energy boosting ability is guarana. The fruit is native to Brazil and Venezuela and has been used for centuries by Indigenous peoples throughout the Amazon. This Amazon adaptogen contains caffeine along with other natural stimulants that work together to give the central nervous system, heart, and hardworking muscles a boost.

Guarana isn’t the only energy powerhouse amongst Amazon adaptogens. Pfaffia paniculata, also known as ‘Brazilian Ginseng’, is another heavy hitter that has been used for hundreds of years by Indigenous groups as an energy booster. Not only does the root serve as a natural source of energy, it has also been used by Indigenous peoples to heal wounds, balance blood sugar, and relieve chronic pain. Proponents of the Brazilian superfood praise the roots for its ability to prevent premature aging, strengthen the immune system, and improve mental activity.

Natural Muscle Relaxants and Sleep-Aids

Amazon adaptogens have long been used to provide relief to sore muscles and also encourage deep rest. For those who suffer from fitful sleeps, Amazon adaptogens can provide much needed relief. Select adaptogens, such as the passionflower, have sedative qualities that provide gentle relief for insomnia. Adaptogens like the passionflower work to relax twitching and relieve tension in muscles. Passion fruit acts as a natural stress and anxiety reliever, earning the title of a popular relaxing tonic. In addition to helping users have deeper sleeps, Amazon adaptogens can provide a sense of calm to an overexcited nervous system and provide relaxation for strained muscles. Indigenous peoples have used adaptogens for centuries to provide relief for a variety of ailments, and these natural remedies provide much needed relief without a long list of side effects common to commercial sleeping medications.

Incorporating Amazon Adaptogens into a Healthy Lifestyle

Amazon adaptogens have earned the title of natural powerhouses with their natural energy boosting qualities and high concentration of vital nutrients. There are a variety of adaptogens that can be used for different health purposes, so taking the time to research the different plants and their uses will help consumers pinpoint the right adaptogens for their needs. Adaptogens will bring a number of benefits to those that use them, but these herbal remedies are not cure-alls, nor can they replace sleep and a healthy diet. Amazon adaptogens work best when paired with a healthy lifestyle and are a great supplement for anyone looking for natural ways to improve their wellbeing.

How to Make Coffee with a Drip Coffee Maker

If you are a coffee lover, then you know that the expression, ‘have it your way,’ is not so easy when it comes to a great-tasting cup of coffee. In fact, it’s hard to make coffee the easy way, since there are a number of ways to make coffee. But most of those ways, until now, have required making 8 or 10 or more cups at a time, and so, you don’t always get the freshest, best-tasting cup available all day long. Especially if the pot has been sitting around awhile! That is no way to make coffee-time special. How can you make coffee the best way, so you don’t have to make more than you need? Easy! Learn the best way of making coffee with a drip coffee maker.

What is a drip coffee maker?

First of all, do you know what a drip coffee maker is? It is a single-cup, ceramic coffee filter that is designed to hold a paper coffee filter securely over a mug while very hot, perhaps boiling water is poured slowly into the mug through the filter.  The word ‘securely’ is key, because you don’t want the filter to become unbalanced and spill boiling water all over the counter-top and yourself. These ceramic cones have a handle on the side that you can hold to take it on and off, and the cone tapers down onto a ledge that balances over the mug, or coffee pot, perfectly.

It’s not expensive or wasteful to make a great cup of coffee every time. Put fresh ground coffee into the filter of the drip coffee maker. Use only as much as you need. For one 6-oz cup of coffee, you only need two tablespoons of grounds. This can be adjusted, more or less, as needed, and the water temperature and amount can be adjusted as well.

How to make coffee with the drip coffee maker?

Choose your mug. Choose your coffee. Choose the amount of water and grounds you would like to use. Put the coffee dripper on top of the mug, put the filter inside, the coffee in the filter, and pour in the water so that the water drips over the coffee and into your cup. Adjust to taste. Yes, this is all there is to making coffee with a drip coffee maker! That’s why this is one of the best ways of making coffee. There is no waste and no waiting. Best of all, there is also no going back, later on, to deal with the stale leftovers.

For any coffee lover, it’s a pleasure to be able to enjoy a different coffee every morning, without having to buy and use a lot of different roasts all at once. By making coffee one cup at a time, you can sample different beans, or pair your coffee with what you are eating. This gives you better flavor as well because the ground beans are always fresh. Making coffee with a drip coffee maker is not just easier and less wasteful, but it’s more convenient, too. The dripper is as easy to clean as the mug. Just throw them in the dishwasher together.

Reasons for Drinking Adaptogen Drinks Everyday

There’s a huge buzz about adaptogen drinks, especially in the health and fitness community. But why is adaptogen drink so important, and how can they help you? There are a bunch of reasons to drink them daily, including a drastic energy increase and reduced stress levels, so let’s dive into a few of the key things you should know about adaptogen drinks.

What Are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens are essentially stimulatory herbs that help to reduce your stress. There are a variety of herbs that fit under this category, including many roots and superfoods, and they can all provide a “hack” to your stress response that helps to increase your boosts of energy and reduce fatigue. If you’re looking for better energy, adaptogen drinks are your best friend.

How Do They Work?

When our adrenaline kicks in due to stress, our body releases all sorts of hormones that temporarily increase our clarity, energy, and motivation to help fight off whatever threat has appeared. But, when stress is persistent, it can lead to severe fatigue, because our fight-or-flight response expends energy very quickly. Adaptogen drinks unlock more time in these responses, to increase the amount of time you feel energetic and reduce that immediate, post-stress fatigue.

By drinking adaptogens daily, you’ll be able to use your body’s adrenaline potential to the optimal effect—in a way that will leave you feeling both refreshed and alert. They work by giving your body and mind the time they need to use your stress responses and recover from them.


Adaptogen drinks use various energizing herbs and roots to boost your alertness and productivity levels. Some ingredients such as Suma Root and Spirulina are immensely helpful in increasing your energy in a healthy way, and still promote excellent bodily health. Many other nutritional supplements or drinks will feed a bunch of harmful chemicals into your body, and have limited, temporary results. Adaptogens are completely natural, so you can get that awesome boost without relying on things like coffee and 5-Hour energy drinks.

Soothing & Anti-Depressive

In duality with an energy increase, you’ll still find yourself soothed and with improved mood. Many energy increasing beverages, such as coffee, can make you jittery, anxious, or result in other mental health issues. Adaptogen drinks are made of the right ingredients that give you the energy boost you need without sacrificing your mental wellbeing. You can be both motivated and calm, productive and relaxed.

Your mental health is crucial, and it should be your top priority. Though, busy life can make harmful drinks and supplements tempting for a quick energy fix. That’s why adaptogen drinks are such an amazing alternative–you get what you need, without the negative consequences of other solutions.

Neuro Benefits

Adaptogen drinks can actually benefit your mental clarity, as well. While your mental health and energy improve, so will your clarity. You’ll find you can focus better, and if you suffer from neurological disorders or conditions, they will often improve, too. Ingredients such as Arctic Root and Schisandra are just a couple of the adaptogens that can help benefit your brain, and they do so without the use of dangerous steroids.

Physical Health

Adaptogen drinks can also have a great impact on your physical wellbeing. From lung issues to muscle fatigue, many benefits for your body can be found. Some studies even report improved cardiovascular health. Whether you’re an athlete or not, this can help you increase your physical performance and general wellness, giving you the strength you need to tackle life.

So, while it’s always a good idea to talk with your doctor before trying anything new, if you’re looking for improved physical health, you’d probably be wise to try out some adaptogen drinks.

Overall, if you’re looking to reduce stress, gain back some energy, improve your mental or physical health, and unlock some neural benefits, adaptogen drinks are most likely the ideal fit for you. Drinking adaptogens daily has numerous positive impacts on you and your body, and you don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals, negative side effects, or unnatural ingredients in the same way you would for all the other alternatives to energy increase. If your doctor thinks adaptogen drinks are right for you, you’d be wisest to give them a shot immediately!